保罗一. 马里兰州Krogstad

保罗一. 马里兰州Krogstad

  • Pediatric Infectious Diseases



Enterovirus infections, HIV therapy, bone 和 joint infections, viral myocarditis


Dr. Paul Krogstad attended UCLA 和 received his Bachelor of Science in Cybernetics 和 a Master's 学位 in Engineering. After leaving Los Angeles, he attended the Tulane University 医学院 in New Orleans, 路易斯安那州, where he also completed his training in Pediatrics.

He trained as a specialist in Pediatric Infectious Diseases at the University of Washington in Seattle, then returned to UCLA for additional postdoctoral training in human retrovirology. He joined the UCLA faculty in 1992 和 is now a Professor in the departments of Pediatrics 和 Pharmacology.

Dr. Krogstad's research has largely focused on molecular virology 和 the pathogenesis of viral diseases. His studies currently include evaluation of new treatments for HIV infected children 和 adolescents 和 the discovery of antiviral agents for enterovirus infections. In addition, he has collaborated with others in the study of Valley Fever (球孢子菌病).

成员ships, Major Committees

成员, Department of Health 和 Human Services (HHS) Panel on Antiretroviral Therapy 和 Medical Management of HIV-Infected Children, 2007年至今

Service to Hospital, Medical School, 和 UCLA 艾滋病 Institute.

成员, Antimicrobial Agent Subcommittee of the UCLA Pharmacy 和 Therapeutics

Department of Pediatrics
Chair, Departmental Review 和 Appraisal Committee




Medical Board Certifications

Pediatric Infectious Diseases, American Board of Pediatrics, 1994
Pediatrics, American Board of Pediatrics, 1989


Retrovirology, UCLA 医学院, 1992
Pediatrics/Infectious Diseases, University of Washington Medical Center, 1990


Pediatrics, Tulane University Hospital & 诊所,1987


Pediatrics, Tulane University Hospital & 诊所,1985


MD, Tulane University 医学院, 1984


  • 医生, 洛杉矶杂志, 2022
  • 医生, 洛杉矶杂志, 2021
  • 医生, 洛杉矶杂志, 2018
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疫苗s: Separating Myth from Reality



HIV therapy 和 immunopathogenesis
Enterovirus disease 和 its treatment
Genetic basis for disseminated coccidioidomycosis



Link to my PubMed publications >

  1. Rudy BJ, Kapogiannis BG, Lally MA, Gray GE, Bekker LG, Krogstad P和麦高恩我. Youth Specific Considerations in the development of preexposure prophylaxis, 杀微生物剂, 和 vaccine research trials.J. 获得性免疫综合征 2010;54:S31-S42.
  2. 厨房CMR, Krogstad P厨房SG. In Vivo Validation of a Bioinformatics Based Tool to Identify Reduced Replication Capacity in HIV. The Open Medical Informatics Journal 2010; 225-232.
  3. Zuo J, Church J, 茨米, 厨房CR, Ank B, Schmid I, 和 Krogstad P. Enhanced CD8+ T Cell Apoptosis in HIV Infected Adolescents. 艾滋病 Res Hum Retro 2010; 26:681-4.
  4. 狼MC, 得自己一个, 张T, Akyol-Ataman Z, 李江, 香港PW, Aguilar HC, 位于一个, Honko一, 约翰逊J, Porotto米, Damoiseaux R, 米勒摩根大通, 纳格力特办公自动化, Krogstad P, Moscona A, Hensley LE, Whelan SP, Holbrook MR, Jung ME, Lee B. A novel, potent broad-spectrum antiviral targeting enveloped virus entry. 国家科学基金委. 2010;107:3157- 62.
  5. 雷夫, Krogstad P, Moore S, Shaham B, Parkman R, 厨房C, 和 Weinberg K. Study of Thymic Size 和 Function in Children 和 Adolescents with Treatment Refractory Systemic Sclerosis Eligible for Immunoablative Therapy. 临床免疫学 2009;133:295-302
  6. 米勒摩根大通, 耿YZ, NG W, Yang OO, 和 Krogstad P. Packaging Limits 和 Stability of HIV-1 Sequences in a Coxsackievirus B Vector. 疫苗 2009; 27: 3992-4000.
  7. Jhaveri R, Bronstein D, Sollod J, 厨房CR, 和 Krogstad P. Outcome of Infections with Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Producing Organisms in Children. J Pediatric Infectious Diseases. 2008; 3: 229-233
  8. Krogstad P, Hammon R, Halnon NJ, 和 Whitton JL. Fatal Neonatal Myocarditis Caused by a Recombinant Human Enterovirus-B Variant. Ped正. 说J. 2008;27:668-9.
  9. 厨房CMR, Nuño M, Kitchen SG, 和 Krogstad PA. Enfuvirtide antiretroviral therapy in HIV-1 infection. 临床风险管理. 2008; 4:433-9.
  10. 李JC, Boechat MI, 茨米, 教堂是, 德维尔, 尼尔森K, 韦斯顿年代, 耿Y, Dunaway T, 厨房C, 和 Krogstad PA. 胸腺的体积, t细胞数量, 和 parameters of thymopoiesis in adolescent 和 adult survivors of HIV infection acquired in infancy. 艾滋病. 2006;20:667-74.


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  • 医生, 洛杉矶杂志, 2022
  • 医生, 洛杉矶杂志, 2021
  • 医生, 洛杉矶杂志, 2018
  • Tulane University nomination: AOA honor society
  • Pediatric 艾滋病 Foundation Scholar Award
  • 罗伯特·C. Neerhout教学奖
  • Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric 艾滋病 Foundation Scientist Award