

主要电话: 310-267-7641



We want you to feel welcome in the 神经科学/创伤重症监护室(6加护病房). Your healthcare team understands that this is a difficult time for you. While your loved one is in 6加护病房, he or she will be monitored closely. We are committed to delivering the highest level of care to you and your loved one.

Our 6加护病房 is a 24-bed facility organized according to guidelines established by the Society of Critical Care Medicine. It is operated by a team of board-certified physicians and nurses. UCLA is a recognized leader in the field of neurointensive care.

We encourage you to take care of your own health and well-being while your loved one is in our care.



The patient's needs, safety, comfort and privacy are our primary concerns. By following these guidelines, we are able to devote our time and attention to your loved one's care.

  • 我们全天24小时开放探视. 为了病人的安全, please be aware that you may be asked to step out of the ICU temporarily. 你可以尽快来参观.
  • 以确保病人的隐私, call on the intercom or wall phone before entering the ICU, 即使门开着. Please stop, call and speak to a staff member for permission to enter.
  • For our patient's safety, please limit the number of visitors at the bedside. Two to four visitors at a time are invited to be in your loved one's room. This number may change at any given time depending on the patient's needs.
  • Visitors must either wash or sanitize their hands before entering and leaving the patient's bedside.
  • We encourage you to touch and speak to your loved one throughout the healing process, but there may be times when the patient needs limited stimulation. We have designated "Quiet Time" each shift from 2 am to 4 am and 2 pm to 4 pm.
  • Please use your cell phones only in the patient room or outside of the unit.
  • Please respect the privacy of all the patients in the ICU by staying inside your loved one's room during your visit.

The restrooms available for your use are located near each elevator outside of the ICU.


  • Members of our team may rotate on and off the team during the patient's stay. All team members will introduce themselves and let you know what role they have in your loved one's healthcare.
  • The assessment of your loved one's neurological condition and prognosis typically takes several days. 我们将尽一切努力及时做出, accurate and honest evaluation and provide you with any available information.
  • We expect to develop a daily plan of care and discuss this briefly with the family spokesperson during daily rounds.
  • We expect to develop a comprehensive care plan, including transitioning to the next level of care. Again, this will be discussed with the family spokesperson.
  • Should you need additional resources during this difficult time, we can provide social work and spiritual care support.
  • We expect to use the most advanced technology to care for your loved one, 其中包括脑电波监测, 成像测试和机器人远程呈现, 举几个例子. 然而,, we want to assure you that these are merely tools to enable us to provide humanistic care for your family member.
  • UCLA is an academic medical center where teaching takes place. You may be seen by several doctors at various levels of training. Your family member may qualify for a novel treatment or study. You may inquire about all of this during our daily rounds.


  • Please designate one family spokesperson or a trusted friend to serve as the patient's advocate. This designated person will be allowed to remain in the room for morning rounds with the Neuro Critical Care team. 查房时间为每天上午8点至中午.
  • 查询电话更新, the patient’s last four digits of the Medical Record Number must be used to confirm patient identification. Only the designated spokesperson may call for updates.
  • Fresh flowers, latex balloons, cameras, photography, pets, glass and food are not allowed in the ICU.
  • If you need items from the Nourishment Room or need ice, 水还是咖啡, 请向工作人员求助.
  • Your loved one will be hooked up to a lot of medical equipment. For patient safety, please do not touch the medical equipment.
  • Please understand there may be times the patient may not feel up to having a visitor.
  • We ask that children under the age of 12 years do not visit unless cleared with the nurse.
  • In the event of an emergency, you may be asked to leave the ICU. 如果是这样,请及时离开.
  • No visitor with cold or flu symptoms or other contagious conditions is allowed in the ICU.
  • If your loved one has been cared for by a physician outside UCLA who would like to contact our ICU physicians, please encourage him of her to do so by calling the numbers provided.

These guidelines are subject to modification according to patient needs.


保罗米. Vespa, MD, FCCM



Agnes Sarmenta,注册会计师



Amanda Severson,注册会计师
