
Our highly specialized respiratory therapists support you with advanced and comprehensive pulmonary care.

Middle aged man getting mechanical ventilation in hospital using respiratory equipment


At UCLA Health, our respiratory therapists deliver comprehensive breathing care to people at every stage of life. We offer advanced evaluation, treatment and prevention of breathing problems. 我们的专家确保您得到最好的呼吸护理, 通常在重病期间, 心脏病或肺病.


世界知名的专业知识: We rank among the top centers in the nation for pulmonology (treatment of respiratory conditions) and lung surgery, according to U.S. News & World Report. 您可以相信我们的团队会提供卓越的呼吸护理.

访问护理: 我们在病人护理的各个领域都有专门的呼吸治疗师. Our teams work in the 新生儿重症监护病房(NICU), Pediatric ICU and all adult ICUs. Respiratory care is also part of transplant programs and outpatient clinics.

高级肺功能检查: We have one of the largest pulmonary function (how well your lungs work) labs in Southern California. Our certified specialists provide a wide array of pulmonary function tests using state-of-the-art equipment.

肺部综合护理: UCLA Health’s 介入肺脏学项目 is among the few programs in the country to offer comprehensive lung services. Our respiratory therapists assist with complete evaluation and treatment of pulmonary diseases, 从普通到复杂.


Respiratory (breathing) care tends to the health of your cardiopulmonary (heart and lung) function. 你的心脏和肺是紧密相连的. 它们一起工作,将氧气输送到身体的各个部位.

You’ll receive respiratory care from licensed and trained professionals called respiratory therapists. Respiratory therapists work as part of your health care team to provide cardiopulmonary and critical care services. They specialize in diagnosing, treating and preventing heart and lung problems.


We help you find out how well your lungs and airways work using a variety of diagnostic tests. 我们的呼吸治疗师认为:

  • 如果你有任何呼吸系统问题或肺部疾病
  • 你的病有多严重,治疗效果如何
  • 如果某些手术可能会对你的肺造成伤害
  • 根据你的环境或工作,你未来患肺部疾病的风险


We check your lung function and diagnose lung diseases with pulmonary function tests. We do these tests both in critical care hospital settings and at our outpatient pulmonary function lab.


  • 肺活量测定(你能吸入和呼出多少空气)
  • 肺容量测试(肺内有多少空气)
  • 扩散能力测试(氧气如何进入血液)
  • 运动测试(心肺功能如何随活动变化)
  • 夜间血氧饱和度(血液中的含氧量)研究


At UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center, we offer arterial blood gas tests at our Blood Gas Lab. 动脉血气测试能告诉我们更多关于肺工作的信息. They check the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your blood and your blood’s acidity level (pH balance).


Our highly trained respiratory therapists assist your doctor in bronchoscopy. 支气管镜检查时, 你的医生用的是薄的, 带有摄像头的柔性管可以观察你的肺和气道. The procedure helps our team identify and also treat respiratory conditions.


Respiratory therapists work to make your cardiopulmonary function as good as possible. We provide world-class care for people of all ages, helping to diagnose and treat:

  • Critical and life-threatening illnesses, such as blocked airways, chest trauma or heart failure
  • 影响肺部和呼吸道的疾病, 比如哮喘, 慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)和囊性纤维化
  • 心脏疾病,经常与肺部问题一起发展


Our experienced team works to ensure your successful treatment and recovery. 我们满足你的身体、情感、社会和精神需求. 根据您的情况,我们可以提供:

  • Breathing medications, such as drugs that widen the airways (bronchodilators)
  • Lung expansion therapy, such as using positive pressure devices, to improve your lung capacity
  • Specialized gas administration, such as oxygen, nitric oxide or helium delivery
  • 使用口罩进行机械通气(帮助呼吸的机器)


  • 演讲练习
  • 按摩疗法
  • 城市禅宗综合疗法, which uses alternative healing techniques such as Reiki (energy healing) and essential oil therapy


You’ll find advanced respiratory care throughout UCLA Health’s intensive care units (ICUs). Specialized respiratory therapists in each unit work in close collaboration with your doctor. We help guide your treatment plan and make sure all members of your care team are on the same page.

For serious respiratory problems, we may recommend procedures that help you breathe. 我们采用先进的气道管理技术, which place devices or tubes in your airways to create a clear pathway to the lungs. We also use mechanical ventilation using an endotracheal (through nose or mouth to windpipe) or tracheostomy tube (through neck to windpipe).



Specialists at our 介入肺脏学项目 offer a full range of minimally invasive procedures to diagnose and treat respiratory problems. 我们经常看到有人收到令人担忧的诊断测试结果. Our respiratory therapists work with skilled doctors to do advanced testing, 包括支气管镜检查和活检.

我们通常在门诊进行介入治疗. Our minimally invasive procedures allow for shorter recovery times than traditional (open) surgery. 我们的专长是:

气道支架: 我们使用支架来扩大和支持你的气道通道. They help treat blockages, airway weaknesses and fistulas (abnormal connections between passages).

支气管热成型术: 这种疗法利用热能来预防哮喘发作.

支气管镜的短程疗法: 放射治疗的一种形式, brachytherapy uses precise radiation exposure to treat tumors in the airways.

冷热疗法: Heat therapies (such as laser) and cold therapies (such as cryospray) treat narrow airways or tumors in the airways.

隧道胸膜(肺衬)导管: We place catheters (tubes) in your chest to drain fluid buildup around the lungs.

Meet our team

Our team of respiratory specialists provides comprehensive care to all of our patients. We work side by side with your doctor to evaluate, treat and monitor your breathing and heart health.

Contact us

我们在这里提供帮助,从呼吸系统筛查到诊断和治疗. 要安排肺功能检查请打电话 310-794-9721.


我们经验丰富的呼吸专家在整个治疗过程中为您提供支持. 要安排肺功能检查请打电话 310-794-9721.